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Alexandra Massey
5 min read
Is It Normal To Have Suicidal Thoughts?
Some of us are frightened that if we think about suicide we may not survive. These words are for you.
Read on to discover why you're not al

Alexandra Massey
2 min read
3 Natural Mood Enhancers For Depression
Of course when you go to the doctor they don’t explain that there are safe natural mood enhancers for depression which you can take.....

Alexandra Massey
5 min read
What Depression Can Cause
Secondly, depression may make it more difficult to follow instructions, stick with a regime like taking medication. And people with major de

Alexandra Massey
7 min read
How Can I Help My Partner With Depression?
Standing on the side lines when our partner is battling depression can seem like a helpless, even hopeless, experience. We can feel...

Alexandra Massey
5 min read
Should I Try Marriage Counseling If My Husband Is Depressed?
If one person is depressed, it can put a strain on any marriage. Penny, 43 from Hampshire, emailed with a plea for help last week. “I...
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Alexandra Massey
6 min read
How To Create Amazing Family Communication
Is your idea of family communication a note left on the refrigerator or a nod whilst passing in the hallway? Great communication is the...

Alexandra Massey
7 min read
How To Find Jobs For People With Depression
Looking for a job isn’t easy at any time. But for those of us suffering from depression, or other mental health problems, it can be much...

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
How To Help A Depressed Spouse
When we married our partner, we agreed to love and support them through sickness and in health. But, if they become depressed, it can...

Alexandra Massey
3 min read
Feeling Depressed? This Will Make You Feel Better
Instead of seeing being depressed as a bad thing, it is much more gentle and loving to see yourself as needing "deep rest."

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
How To Increase Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace
A growing number of organisations are shifting their focus from ‘supporting the employee’ programs to initiatives that positively...

Alexandra Massey
4 min read
Why People Use Self Harm To Relieve Emotional Pain
Most of us would go to great lengths to avoid pain or any activities/experiences associated with pain. It makes total sense. If pain is...

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
7 Ways How Anxiety Affects Relationships
Living with anxiety and trying to be like everyone else is virtually impossible. Situations that other people don't think twice about can...

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
One Of The Most Important Conversations We Will Ever Have With Ourselves
Whether or not you’ve noticed, you, like me and every other human being, move through each day leading on a constant inner conversation....

Alexandra Massey
7 min read
PTSD What To Do When You Are Triggered
PTSD, or post traumatic stress syndrome, is seen as a mental health problem. It can develop after experiencing - or witnessing - a...

Alexandra Massey
7 min read
My Depression And My Recovery
After college I moved to London and shared a house with friends. There were endless nights of drug parties: LSD, speed, coke and hash. It wa
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Alexandra Massey
5 min read
Making Peace With Pain And Step Into Deep Joy And Emotional Freedom
Are you fed up of suffering with emotional pain? Do you wonder why you still hurt so much and can’t control it? Part of being human is to...
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Alexandra Massey
5 min read
Ending The Internal War With Our Inner Selves
You know the saying: "You are your own worst enemy." The internal war is a form of self-sabotage that unfortunately so many of us are...

Alexandra Massey
5 min read
Time To Start Living With Greater Success, Joy And Fulfilment?
We live in world where what we have, who we know and how others perceive us is supposed to bring us great success. Consequently cultural...

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
How To Free Yourself From Self-Sabotage
How do we get in our own way of achieving what matters to us the most? Many of us are familiar with the pattern of taking one step...

Alexandra Massey
6 min read
PTSD and Anxiety
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is mental health problem that develops after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening...
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