WISE UP: Step Four
In each of our families there was an accompanying story like
an advertisement ‘strap line’, something we would tell other
people to describe our family.
Some strap lines may be:
‘We’re a go getter family’
‘Our Mom was always sick, but we managed’
‘We were always broke, but we stuck together’
Family strap lines were usually based on a defensive position coupled with us trying to protect the family secret from outsiders. The reality is that our family strap lines were untrue.
In this exercise we begin to re-write the family strap lines to help us understand the dysfunction and the part we played to keep the family secret safe.
We know these are not judgements, just a fact finding mission.
We begin by identifying the family strap lines, e.g.:
My family strap line was: we are one big happy family
We then re-write it to reflect the reality, e.g.:
The real story was: we were a deeply dysfunctional family with one parent alcoholic
and one parent addicted to pills
Next, we make a list of three statements that our family
said to US about US on a regular basis, e.g.:
You should be grateful for what you get
If it weren't for you this family would be happy
You're lazy
We then re-write these statements to reflect the reality, e.g.:
I couldn't work out the strings attached to what I was given because I was a child
I wasn't responsible for other people's happiness
I wasn't lazy, I was frightened
Finally we list external statements that we heard about the wider family or the world outside, e.g.:
Religion is for peasants
Grandpa is a wife beater
Even though they’re black, they’re nice
We re-write these statements according to our own values today, e.g.:​
Religion is for anyone who wants to follow
Grandpa may have been a wife beater but it was inappropriate for me to be hearing that type of talk at such a young age
Racism is not something I wanted to be a part of as a child
Some of us, at this point, may feel the urge to talk to our families about what happened to us as children, how we felt and what we experienced.
It's been suggested that we wait until we're further down the Steps before attempting to have these conversations.
It's not until we feel stronger do we look back and recognise how vulnerable we were.
Even as adults, that vulnerability may still live inside us. We need to avoid situations that may trigger old wounds until we are well along the healing path.