It is time to meet your Higher Power.
Below is a visualization, which is a powerful
exercise to be done once a day for a week.
Read this visualization into a recorder, laptop
or phone, pausing where there are dots. Speak
slowly and clearly. Be gentle when you record these words and, if you have some favorite music which soothes you, play it in the background as you speak the words. The whole visualization takes up to 20 minutes.​
Start your recorder:
Sit or lie down in a comfortable, safe place…. Make sure you are can lay back and relax…. Now simply breathe in and out and let yourself sink into your chair or bed…. Thoughts will come into your mind…. Do not fret; simply let them float away as quietly as they arrived…. Just let them go…do not hold onto them…. Notice your breath coming in and out of your body…. Be aware of it traveling through your nose or mouth…. Take a deep breath and hold it…Hold it…. Hold it more…Keep holding it…. And let it go! And as it goes, feel your body completely relax…. Notice the worry lines in your forehead relax and soften…. See how your jaw line loosens and your cheek muscles just drop…. Feel your throat relax and let the tension out of your chest cavity…Feel the muscles of your stomach drop and relax…Feel the whole weight of your body sink into your chair…You have no worries or cares right now…. Let them drift away with your thoughts…. You are in a lush, green forest…. Smell the forest smell and see the damp green blanket sprinkled with sunbeams….You are on the edge of a river…This river is beautiful….It is long and wide and as still as a mirror…There is a boat by the side of the river….Step into this boat…It has big, sumptuous pillows for you to sink into….Make yourself comfortable….You hardly have time to settle before the boat starts to move very gently…It is gliding along like a gentle swan….It is being guided, and you have nothing to fear…just sit back and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings….Don’t worry if you cannot see your surroundings, just get a sense of being there…All you can hear is the gentleness of trickling water as your boat moves along the flat river…Sit back and relax and feel the moment with no cares and no worries….In the distance you can see land…There is a beautiful island ahead of you….The boat is heading towards the island…It feels very peaceful. The nearer you get to the island, the more peaceful you feel…You reach the island and step out of the boat…There is a mist over the island…It feels very safe….It is the most beautiful place you have ever seen….You are mesmerized by the beauty of forest, the sound of water, the humming of the trees….You feel safer than you have ever felt before….You breath in the crisp air and let yourself relax, down….down…..down…down into the safety of this island…….You see a light in the distance….The light is tiny and just shines through the mist…You can see it moving towards you…as it gets closer, you can feel the energy coming from the light…You can feel a beauty inside you…The light is getting brighter now and the size is much greater…As the light gets closer, it’s growing and growing and the energy you feel from this light is like the love you have always longed for….This feeling is filling you up and the circle of light is now the same size as you…The brightness is beautiful and the beauty is filling every part of your body…The light is right before you…You know this is your Higher Power...There are messages coming to you from the light…'You are a beautiful person and I love you more than life itself'….’I will always love you and protect you’…Your Higher Power’s love fills you up even more….Walk towards the light and step into the light until it surrounds you…Let the warmth and love fill you up even more….Relax your stomach muscles to allow the love into every part of you…Drink the love and let everything else go…Nothing else matters right now….Fall into the arms of this love and light…Speak to your Higher Power and have a conversation about whatever is on your mind……………(Take some time for this)……….Now, step back from the light and let the love stay with you…Now your Higher Power has a message for you…Hold you hands out and allow your Higher Power to give you a ball of light…Take this light into your hands….There is a message on the ball…Read it and when you have finished, gently let the ball go upwards and float away…It is time to leave this island…Step into the boat and let it guide you back to the forest…Know that you can come back to meet your Higher Power at any time you want…I will count to three and on three you will wake up feeling refreshed, loved and at peace…1,2,3.
A Meditation To
Meet Your
Higher Power